Marketing Manager

Guide your team.

Caught between C-suite expectations and execution realities? EventHQ can provide you with insights, process, reports and forecast, so you can confidently guide your team.


Data lake

Have access to information on every event, speaker, sponsor, audience, outcomes in one click.

Connect your event tech stack

No company can handle all its event requirements with one event management tool. Integrate your apps to work seamlessly and have one source of truth.

Lead your team with precision.

Real time enrichment and insights

EventHQ can spot inefficiencies in real time and can help you make fast course corrections.

Forecasting and Scenario Modelling

Use our AI to forecast potential outcome and test out different scenarios to find the best strategy to present and execute.

Manage expectations at all levels.

Reporting and budgeting

When your CMO asks you about your teams performance, they expect answers fast. You don't have time to dig for reports and work on excel. With EventHQ you have tailored reports accessible in an instant.

Goals and KPI tracking

Track the right metrics for every event and for your event marketing as a whole. Identify the blockers and help your team move forward.